Ways to help you and your students find a new normal.

Edu­ca­tors around the world have had to demon­strate their resource­ful­ness and adapt­abil­i­ty on a lev­el nev­er seen before by turn­ing on a dime to a remote learn­ing mod­el. We want to offer five tips to help you and your stu­dents find your new nor­mal. Have a dis­tance learn­ing expe­ri­ence or advice you’d like to share? Email us!

1. It’s okay to be worried.

It’s okay to acknowl­edge the grav­i­ty of the times we’re in. What­ev­er you’re feel­ing right now, whether it’s pan­ic or over­whelm, is a nor­mal reac­tion to a major upheaval, so give your­self per­mis­sion to feel it. Reach out to col­leagues often for emo­tion­al and prac­ti­cal support.

2. Forget perfection and embrace flexibility.

This is a nov­el expe­ri­ence, and every­one is learn­ing how to nav­i­gate it. You like­ly won’t be able to accom­plish as much as you could in the class­room, and stu­dents won’t be able to work as pro­duc­tive­ly, so it’s impor­tant to be flex­i­ble. If you’re able to, scale back. Through tri­al and error, you’ll dis­cov­er what “good enough” means for your class.

3. Check in with your students.

Stay con­nect­ed with your stu­dents through video chat­ting and phone calls, and strive to keep them con­nect­ed with each oth­er using class dis­cus­sions and fun activ­i­ties. School mes­sage boards, show and tell, and giv­ing answers to a dai­ly prompt in a shared Google Doc can help stu­dents feel more social­ly fulfilled.

4. Make every voice heard.

One of the great­est chal­lenges will be over­com­ing the tech­nol­o­gy gap for stu­dents with­out inter­net or com­put­ers. An ana­log approach, using mail-in assign­ments and phone calls, can help. The same one-on-one time can ben­e­fit shy­er stu­dents who strug­gle to be heard in the chaos of a class­wide Zoom meeting.

5. Take care of yourself.

Find­ing time for your­self might be tricky right now, but it’s nec­es­sary. Stay con­nect­ed with friends and fam­i­ly from a dis­tance, and take care of your phys­i­cal health by get­ting the sleep you need and a lit­tle exer­cise when you can. To pre­vent burnout and scary blurred lines between work and play, set up blocks of time to main­tain healthy boundaries.

QOMO is the edu­ca­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny that cre­ates tools that improve col­lab­o­ra­tion in the class­room and from a dis­tance. From doc­u­ment cam­eras, inter­ac­tive mon­i­tors to soft­ware, we have what you need to sup­port you through this chal­lenge. Vis­it our remote learn­ing guide for more resources, or reach out to us direct­ly if you need assis­tance. Sched­ule a demo with our team to see how edtech can assist you with remote instruc­tion and dis­tance learning.


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