In the last couple of weeks, schools all over the world have temporarily closed their doors to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’re fortunate to live in an age where distance learning, when necessary, is not only possible but effective and enriching. And we’re fortunate to have adaptable educators who can handle circumstances like these with care and ingenuity.

Edtech can make all the difference when it comes to making remote learning more immersive, engaging, and socially fulfilling for students. Here are some edtech essentials to introduce to your virtual classroom.

Document Cameras

These doc cams can be pur­chased on Ama­zon, or we can con­nect you with a reseller for bet­ter price options. They’re both ready for plug-and-play with a computer.

QPC20 F1

The QOMO QPC20 F1, our portable doc­u­ment cam­era, is ide­al for at-home use. This fold­able, light­weight, and afford­able cam­era can be used to dis­play doc­u­ments online in real-time, or dou­bles as a doc­u­ment scan­ner so you can share pages over email or Google Drive.

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The flex­i­ble QOMO QPC35 clamps to your desk, free­ing up space, and func­tions per­fect­ly as a web­cam with a built-in micro­phone. You can extend and rotate the cam­era to record or dis­play any­thing, from books to sci­ence experiments.

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Wan­der­Cam 50W

This ful­ly wire­less doc cam is afford­able and portable. This light­weight but stur­dy cam­era has a wi-fi range of 150 feet, so you can share doc­u­ments and oth­er con­tent in high res­o­lu­tion from any­where in the room.

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This super high def­i­n­i­tion PTZ cam­era allows you to pan, tilt, and zoom using a remote con­trol. You can use it to track your­self while giv­ing a lec­ture or demon­stra­tion, or zoom into details on a whiteboard.

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Our doc­u­ment cam­eras come with soft­ware called QCam­era that allows you to draw or write anno­ta­tions over any image dis­played on the cam­era. You can use this fea­ture to write and share notes with your class. Our soft­ware also works with our PTZ cam­era.

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Cloud-based col­lab­o­ra­tion soft­ware like Xim­bus is per­fect for learn­ing from a dis­tance. Use it to drag and drop videos, doc­u­ments, pre­sen­ta­tions, and more from your Google Dri­ve to cre­ate vir­tu­al les­son plans that your entire class can fol­low along with in real time. 

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Microsoft Education

Microsoft offers a wide range of class­room tools for remote learn­ing. Use their tools to man­age instruc­tion and assess­ment, assign­ments, class notes, stu­dent data, and more.

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Google Classroom

Google Class­room is free to use. This stream­lined class­room tool enables bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion between stu­dents and teach­ers, and allows teach­ers to man­age course­work and keep their mate­ri­als orga­nized and shareable.

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If you have specific questions about how edtech can assist you with remote instruction, reach out to us or schedule a demo with our team! We’d be happy to consult you. At QOMO we’ve been developing interactive technologies to encourage collaboration in classrooms and meeting rooms for nearly 20 years.

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